My Blog

World AIDS Day 2019

It's our World AIDS Day birthday - We've made it through another year. Well done us!!!


HIV HERO “Rugby legend Gareth Thomas has been hiding a dark secret” In an emotional trailer filmed for the BBC he explains why he has decided...

Wakey Wakey!

Like Sleeping Beauty I have woken up after being in a dark place for over a year. I do apologize hiviners for my absence...

Birthday Blip!

It’s my birthday. I am 67 today - so yes, I am still alive in case you were wondering. It’s been fourteen years since...

All Alone am I?

All alone am I - or at least that's how it feels sometimes. HIV can be the loneliest of roads.  But hey - I have...

Happy Easter Bunnies!

A Very Happy Easter to all you Bunny girls and boys!

Spring has Sprung

Spring has indeed sprung but sometimes I feel like SCREAMING!! Just saying!

International Women’s Day 2016

Power to all us positive birds!! This lady must be wearing Alfred Hitchcock Knickers!

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day hiviners - I hope mothers everywhere, especially positive mothers have had a wonderful day. I miss my mum especially today

White Rabbits

Tis the first day of March  – hope the first thing you said when you got out of bed this morning was something to...

A Bridge too far

I have just come back from presenting an ART Workshop at Noah's Ark an HIV/AIDS Service organisation in Malmo Sweden. In order to get...