Because my ‘Wonder Webmaster’ is having to so much work to get this site back up and running – twas a terrible day for me when it crashed and disappeared from cyberspace – I thought when he’d nipped out to his local pub for a well deserved pint, I’d help him by uploading a few old blogs and some archives myself.  

This is conversation when WW got back from pub –

WW – bloody hell A what have you done?

A – don’t know why the font went pale pink with a grey background, what did I do?

WW – Oh no you’ve changed all the bloody formatting – will have to start again.

A – (hangs head in shame) sorry about that WW, no idea what I did, won’t do it again.

WW – (very considerate considering) Don’t worry, luckily I know how to do these things.

A – (it’s true don’t know how WW does it) Humble thanks WW.

WW – Shrekkin hell have you changed size of photo as well?

AA – (sheepishly) might have done.

This conversation went on well into the night and very early hours of the morn. Had a very hot ear from the telephone – had to keep changing ears.

Think WW is still in bed after working on site all night so he doesn’t know I’m back in – don’t tell him will you?


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